CoinMarketCap DFI Quiz All Answers 

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CMC DeFiChain DFI Quiz All Answers

Question 1: DeFiChain is built on …?

Answer is : Bitcoin

Question 2: What makes building on Bitcoin special?

Answer is : It adds security to the blockchain because of it being non-turing complete

Question 3: How much Total Value locked does DeFiChain have?

Answer is : $200M

Question 4: What are dAssets?

Answer is : Synthetic tokens that mimic the value of real-world assets like e.g. stocks

Question 5: What kind of DeFi applications does the DeFiChain DEX offer?

Answer is : Trading, Loans, Liquidity mining, Minting of dAssets

Question 6: What is DeFi Meta Chain?

Answer is : A sidechain..

Question 7: What can you do with $DFI?

Answer is : 1,2,3 (all)

Question 8: What is minting?

Answer is : A process that is needed to keep..

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