ow to get Bargain the price of Oppo Earphones to get at ₹9?

To get oppo earphones & smartphone at lowest discount price, follow the steps below.

1. Visit the offer page from here >> ENTER HERE

2. You will see the page showing earphones with price bargaining strip.

3. Click on “Invite Friends to Help You“.

4. Login or create account with phone number on Oppo Site. Click on invite friends. Click to copy or share your link. Invite 30 Friends to get earphones at ₹9 & Smartphone at ₹16999.

Eligibility: You need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria to participate in the activity:

  1. You should be an individual and legal resident of the Republic of India; You have a billing address within the territory of India;
  2. If you are a winner of the activity you agree to provide the following details with us so that we can contact you if you are the lucky one.
    • Your name
    • Your personal address
    • Your phone number
  3. Should be registered as an OPPO Store member.

For activity initiators

1 . The users can select the items that they want tobargain, they need to invite friends to a certain amount(which varies from different products) to visit the bargain page and help them bargain. If they can finish the price cutting mission within limited time, they can get the item at a discounted price, if not, they can not get the benefit

2 . Each user can only launch the price cutting activity once per item Due to pandemic and the some restrictive conditions in some states, products Some areas can not be delivered in some areas due to the pandemic

3 . This offer is available on first come first basis, subject to the availability of the stocks.The platform will set different available stock for different products, first come first served. You can redeem your discount within 24 hours, after 24 hours the discount will be invalid. The user will have 1 chance at most to win the product for free

For helpers

1 . The helper can help the initiator to accomplish the goal by logging into his/her shared url.
2 . Each user can help others 3 times maximum, but only once for each activity
3 . The helper can have a chance to win coupons after helping others, the coupons are both time and amount limited, first come first served

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