How to redeem this LOOT offer?

Step 1: Purchase the Pringles from the nearest store or online

Step 2: Scratch the Assured Voucher to get a unique code.

Step 3: Send the unique code via SMS in the format given below:

Step 4: SMS PRIN UNIQUE CODE to 8722487224 and receive web-link and reward code within 24 business hours.

Step 5: You are required to register your reward code on the weblink by providing your name, email address, and mobile number to receive the OTP. Choose the preferred cashback mode (Wallet/UPI/NEFT) after submitting OTP.

Register from Here

Step 6: On completion of the registration, you will receive the cashback in the preferred mode of payment in 24-48 business hours.

General Terms & Conditions

  • This Voucher is available on Promotion Product pack worth INR 230 (INR Two Hundred and Thirty Only). This Offer is not applicable on purchase of regular Pringles pack. This voucher/scratch card entitles participants to an assured cashback of ₹100. This offer is not available to employees of Kellogg India Pvt. Ltd. and Premier Sales Promotions Pvt. Ltd., its clients or dealers, distributors and their immediate families. Pringles purchased as part of the Offer will not be taken back or exchanged. Regular packs of Pringles are also available without this Offer. Cashback code is personal to the participant and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
  • Any data shared by the participant shall be handled as per the policies of the relevant organisation viz. BigCity Promotions, Kellogg India Pvt. Ltd., Wallet Partner etc. The usage of this Voucher is incumbent upon the terms & conditions to be followed by the voucher holder/purchaser. Such conditions need to be followed by the voucher holder/purchaser. The “How to Use/Redeem” instructions form a part of these Terms & Conditions.

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