How Can Participate Play Amazon World Youth Skills Day Quiz Answer & Win

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Amazon World Youth Skills Day Quiz All Answers

1. The first World Youth Skills Day was celebrated in which year?

Answer: 2014

2. On which date we celebrate World Youth Skills day?

Answer: 15th July

3. World Youth Skills Day raises awareness about challenges faced by young people in ?

Answer: All of the above

4. The World Youth skill day aims to raise awareness about the importance of skills development for young people. True Or False

Answer: True

Amazon Pictionary Quiz July Answers

1. These characters are part of which media franchise?

Answer: Pokemon 

2. This is a famous character from which franchise?

Answer: Dragonball 

3. This weapon is wielded by which character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Answer: Thor 

4. A young boy going by this bird's name is the sidekick to which superhero?

Answer: Batman

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