Zomato Trivia Quiz Answers How to Play and Win

1. Update the Zomato app to access >> Zomato Trivia

2. Go to Dashboard and click on Profile button.

3. Swipe down & you will see ‘Trivia lobby’ in Games section

3. Click on the Trivia banner before 5 PM and You need to play answer & Win Game

4. You need to give Correct Answers to Win Free Zomato Credits in your Zomato Wallet.

5. You must need to give All 3 Question’s Answers Correctly. Users only predicted all 3 answers correctly will share the total prize pool

Terms & Conditions 

  • Free to play for all Zomato Users, no registration required. There will be a total of 3 questions, with each question having 1 correct answer. You win by answering all question correctly. You will get 10 seconds to answer each question. The total prize poll will be divided between the winners

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