Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel also known as ‘Iron Man of India’, led to the peaceful integration of the princely Indian States into the Indian Union and the political unification of India. A nationwide Quiz, “Sardar Unity Trinity Quiz” is being hosted on MyGov platform to celebrate the life, ideals, and accomplishments of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The aim of the quiz is to introduce the youth and citizens of India to the social values, ideologies, ethics, and morals associated with Sardar Patel, while highlighting the achievements and vision of the Government of India. The quiz is available in multiple regional languages including English and Hindi.

  • The Top best performer in Online Quiz mode will be awarded a cash prize of ₹ 5,00,000/- (Five lakh rupees only).प्रथम विजेता प्रतिभागी को ₹ 5,00,000/- (पाँच लाख रुपये) के नकद पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाएगा।
  • The second-best performer will be awarded with a cash prize of ₹ 3,00,000/- (three lakh rupees only).द्वितीय विजेता प्रतिभागी को ₹ 3,00,000/- की नकद राशि से सम्मानित किया जाएगा।
  • The third best performer will be awarded with a cash prize of ₹ 2,00,000/- (two lakh rupees only).तृतीय विजेता प्रतिभागी को ₹ 2,00,000/- के नकद पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाएगा।
  • The next hundred (100) best performers will be awarded consolation prizes of ₹ 2,000/- (Two thousand rupees only) each.अगले 100 सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन करने वालों में से प्रत्येक को ₹ 2,000/- के सांत्वना पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाएगा।

1. In which year was the ‘Swadesh Darshan’ scheme launched?

  • A. 40087
  • B. 2012-13
  • C. 2014-15
  • D. 2017-18

    Correct Answer – 2014-15

    2. What does DPIIT stand for?

    • A. Department for Promotion of Internal Trade
    • B. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
    • C. Directorate for Progress in Indian Industries and Technologies
    • D. Directorate for Promotion of Indian Trade

      Correct Answer – Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade

      3. What is the primary goal of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY)?

      • A. Providing limited health coverage
      • B. Reducing healthcare expenses for the middle class
      • C. Helping mitigate catastrophic expenditure on medical treatment
      • D. Covering only pre-existing conditions

      Correct Answer – Providing limited health coverage

      4. Which among the following is the traditional folk dance of Chhattisgarh?

      • A. Kathak
      • B. Garba
      • C. Panthi
      • D. Bihu

        Correct Answer – Panthi

        5. Where is the world’s largest solar park, with over 2,200 MW of capacity, commissioned in India?

        • A. Bengaluru, Karnataka
        • B. Bhadla, Rajasthan
        • C. Chennai, Tamil Nadu
        • D. Hyderabad, Telangana

          Correct Answer – Bhadla, Rajasthan

          6. What is the capital of Meghalaya?

          • A. Shillong
          • B. Imphal
          • C. Aizawl
          • D. Kohima

          Correct Answer – Shillong

          7. What was one of the primary goals of organizing the agricultural economy according to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel?

          • A. To promote industrial development
          • B. To increase political power
          • C. There was no primary goal
          • D. To expand the education sector

          Correct Answer – To promote industrial development

          8. What is the traditional Punjabi flatbread made from cornmeal and often served with Sarson ka Saag?

          • A. Bhature
          • B. Roti
          • C. Makki ki roti
          • D. Naan

          Correct Answer – Makki ki roti

          9. What is the capital of Madhya Pradesh?

          • A. Bhopal
          • B. Raipur
          • C. Gandhinagar
          • D. Shimla

          Correct Answer – Bhopal

          10. What is the name of the program launched in 2018, targeting to bring one million ideas from middle and high schools across the country for showcasing at district, state, and national levels?

          • A. AWSAR (Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research)
          • B. SERB-POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Women in Exploratory Research)
          • C. SERB-SURE (State University Research Excellence)
          • D. MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge)

          Correct Answer – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge)

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