How to Order any Wow Product for Just ₹10 only

Offer: Grab any wow skin science product for just ₹10 from wow 10th birthday sale.

Sale time: Starts at 06:00 PM, it is a lightening deal and valid only for 10 minutes.

Sale validity: From 10th January – 14th January 2024.

1. Open the wow 10th birthday sale offer page from . Click Here

2. Scroll down below and there you will see buy @ ₹10 product banner.

3. Click on the banner and you will get a list of products that are available under this offer.

4. Add any one wow product of your choice to cart. Discount will be applied automatically and product price will become ₹10.

6. Proceed to checkout and complete the payment of ₹10 + some shipping charges. The price is worth it if you compare with the original price at which you regularly buy if you use wow products

Any 10 Wow Products For Just ₹1000

Note: Grab 10 products for just ₹1000 at 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm, each lasting 10 minutes.

1. Open the wow 10th birthday sale offer page from >> ENTER HERE

2. Scroll down below and there you will see buy 10 products for ₹1000 banner.

3. Click on the banner and you will get a list of products that are available under this offer.

4. Add any 10 wow product of your choice to cart.

5. Complete the payment of ₹1000 and place the order. No coupon code is required, discount is applied automatically.

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