1. Buy any Oreo biscuit pack (chocolate/strawberry/vanilla) of any amount from here << ENTER HERE
2. Before making a purchase make sure a gift from dhoni offer is must be mentioned on the packet.
3. Scan the QR code given on the pack or visit the oreo cricket offer link.
4. Type in your mobile number and then give your name, email id and state.
5. Now enter your oreo unique code. Note: You will find a 13-16 digits code on the back of the biscuit pack. Sample Code : P40104151246A12G
*Trick : Enter this code and change some last digits > if your code works, Then enter your UPI & claim your cashback
6. Once you enter the code assured cashback of up to ₹30 (random amount) will be unlocked,
7. Enter your UPI id and claim cashback.
8. Assured cashback will be credited within 24 business hours. also stand a chance to win an MSD signed cricket kit or match tickets.
Oreo Cricket Offer Prizes
Assured cashback: ₹5, ₹10, 20 or ₹30 assured cashback for each participant.
Hourly lucky prize: MSD signed cricket kit for 600 participants.
Daily lucky prize: Match tickets for 120 participants.
Offer Details
- A participant can win only one reward from this oreo campaign.Each participant can win assured cashback of up to ₹30 depending on entries.
- Apart from cashback they are also eligible to win other rewards like signed cricket kit or match tickets.Contest is valid from 1st February 2024 to 30th May 2024. For more inforn visit oreocricket.com
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