Learn about the radiant, a DeFi money market  and get 3 RDNT worth approximately one dollar. You can refer to the radiant binance quiz answers from this post. You can begin to read the articles on radiant and watch videos anytime from now and complete the quiz when it is available till RDNT token supplies last.

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Binance Radiant RDNT Quiz A;; Answers

Q1. What is the primary goal of decentralized finance (DeFi) money markets like Radiant Capital?

Answer: To revolutionize asset transfer and accumulation globally

Q2. What is required for a user to receive RDNT emissions in Radiant’s platform?

Answer: The user’s dLP value must stay above 5% of their deposits in Radiant’s lending markets

Q3. Which blockcahin does Radiant V2 currently support?

Answer: Ethereum Mainnet, Arbitrum, and BNB Chain

Q4. What is the nature of RDNT in Radiant Capital’s ecosystem?

Answer: An Omnichain Fungible Token

Q5. What is the purpose of Radiant’s Dynamic Liquidity (dLP) staking mechanism?

Answer: To align user incentives with the protocol’s sustainability

Q6. What percentage of protocol fees are returned to Radiant’s users?

Answer: 85%

Q7. How does Radiant V2 aim to solve the problem of fractured liquidity in DeFi?

Answer: By using omnichain technology to pool assets from all enabled chains

Q8. What are the benefits of dLPs in Radiant’s ecosystem?

Answer: Receive RDNT emissions, protocol fees, and governance power

Q9. What notable feature did Radiant introduce with its V2 launch?

Answer: Omnichain functionality

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